Professor Yoel Fink
Professor Yoel Fink
Publications - fibers@mit

- Loke, G.*, Khudiyev, T.*, Wang, B., Fu, S., Payra, S., Shaoul, Y., Fung, J., Chatziveroglou, I., Chou, P., Chinn, I., Yan, W., Gitelson-Kahn, A., Joannopoulos, J., & Fink, Y. (2021). Digital electronics in fibres enable fabric-based machine-learning inference. Nature Communications, 12(1).
- Loke, G., Yan, W., Khudiyev, T., Noel, G., & Fink, Y. (2019). Recent Progress and Perspectives of Thermally Drawn Multimaterial Fiber Electronics. Advanced Materials,
- Loke, G., Yuan, R., Rein, M., Khudiyev, T., Jain, Y., Joannopoulos, J., & Fink, Y. (2019). Structured multimaterial filaments for 3D printing of optoelectronics. Nature Communications, 10(1).
- Shahriari, D., Loke, G., Tafel, I., Park, S., Chiang, P. H., Fink, Y., & Anikeeva, P. (2019). Scalable Fabrication of Porous Microchannel Nerve Guidance Scaffolds with Complex Geometries. Advanced Materials, 31(30), 1902021.
- Ghebrebrhan, M., Loke, G. Z. J., & Fink, Y. (2019). Fabrication and measurement of 3D printed retroreflective fibers.Optical Materials Express.
- Park, S., Loke, G., Fink, Y., & Anikeeva, P. (2019). Flexible fiber-based optoelectronics for neural interfaces. Chemical Society Reviews, Vol. 48, pp. 1826–1852.
- Maayani S., Foy C., Englund D., Fink Y. “Distributed Quantum Fiber Magnetometry“. Laser & Photonics Reviews, Vol 13, Issue 7, (2019), DOI: 10.1002/lpor.201900075
- Kanik, M., Orguc, S., Varnavides, G., Kim, J., Benavides, T., Gonzalez, D., Anikeeva, P. (2019). Strain-programmable fiber-based artificial muscle. Science, 365(6449), 145–150.
- Yuan, R., Nagarajan, M. B., Lee, J., Voldman, J., Doyle, P. S., & Fink, Y. (2018). Designable 3D Microshapes Fabricated at the Intersection of Structured Flow and Optical Fields. Small, 14(50), 1–8.
- R. Yuan, J. Lee, H. Su, E. Levy, T. Khudiyev, J. Voldman, and Y. Fink “Microfluidics in structured multimaterial fibers“, PNAS November 13, 2018, 115 (46), E10830-E10838
- Rein M., Favrod V.D., Hou C., Khudiyev T., Stolyarov A., Cox J., Chung C.C., Chhav C., Ellis M., Joannopoulos J., Fink Y. “Diode fibers for fabric-based optical communications“. Nature 560, 214-218 (2018). doi: 10.1038/s41586-018-0390-x
- Grena, B., Alayrac, J. B., Levy, E., Stolyarov, A. M., Joannopoulos, J. D., & Fink, Y. (2017). Thermally-drawn fibers with spatially-selective porous domains. Nature Communications, 8(1).
- Khudiyev, T., Clayton, J., Levy, E., Chocat, N., Gumennik, A., Stolyarov, A.M., Joannopoulos, J. and Fink, Y. “Electrostrictive microelectromechanical fibres and textiles,” Nature communications, doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01558-5, November, 2017.
- Gumennik A.*, Levy E. C.*, Grena B.*, Hou C., Rein M. R., Abouraddy A. F., Joannopoulos J. D., Fink Y., “Confined in-fiber solidification and structural control of silicon and silicon-germanium microparticles”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1707778114, Published online June 21, 2017. *equal contribution
- Guo Y., Jiang, S., Grena B., Kimbrough I. F., Thompson E. G., Fink Y., Sontheimer H., Yoshinobu T., Jia X., “Polymer Composite with Carbon Nanofibers Aligned during Thermal Drawing as a Microelectrode for Chronic Neural Interfaces”, ACS Nano, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b07550, Published online June 1, 2017.
- Khudiyev, T., Hou, C., Stolyarov, A.M., Fink, Y. “Sub‐Micrometer Surface‐Patterned Ribbon Fibers and Textiles,” Advanced Materials, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201605868, March, 2017.
- Park S., Guo Y., Jia X., Choe H. K., Grena B., Kang J., Park J., Canales A., Chen R., Yim Y. S., Choi G. B., Fink Y., Anikeeva P., “One-step optogenetics with multifunctional flexible polymer fibers,” Nature Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1038/nn.4510; Published online February 20, 2017.
- Rein, M., Levy, E., Gumennik. A., Abouraddy, A.F., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y. “Self-assembled fibre optoelectronics with discrete translational symmetry,” Nature Communications. 7, Article number: 12807 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12807, October 2016.
- Wei, L., Hou, C., Levy, E., Lestoquoy, G., Gumennik, A., Abouraddy, A. F., Joannopoulos, J. D. and Fink, Y. “Optoelectronic Fibers via Selective Amplification of In-Fiber Capillary Instabilities,” Advanced Materials DOI:10.1002/adma.20160303. October 2016.
- Tao, G., Ebendorff-Heidepriem, H., Stolyarov, A.M., Danto, S., Badding, J.V., Fink, Y., Ballato, J., and Abouraddy, A.F., “Infrared fibers,” Adv. Opt. and Photon., 7(2), 379-458, DOI: 10.1364/AOP.7.000379; 2015.
- Hou, C., Jia, X., Wei, L., Tan, S-C., Zhao, X., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., Crystalline Silicon Core Fibres from Aluminium Core Preforms, Nature Communications 6, number:6248, DOI:doi:10.1038/ncomms7248, February 2015.
- Canales, A., Jia, X., Froriep, U.P., Koppes, R.A., Tringides, C.M., Selvidge, J., Lu, C., Hou, C., Wei, L., Fink, Y., Anikeeva, P., “Multifunctional fibers for simultaneous optical, electrical and chemical interrogation of neural circuits in vivo,” Nature Biotechnology, DOI:10.1038/nbt.3093; Published online January 19, 2015.
- A. Cusano et al. (eds.), Lab-on-Fiber Technology, Springer Series in Surface Sciences 56, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06998-2_1, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland 2015.
- Kaufman, J.J., Ottman, R., Tao, G., Shabahang, S., Banaei, E.-H., Laing, X., Johnson, S.G., Fink, Y., Chakrabarti, R., Abouraddy, A.F., “In-fiber production of polymeric particles for biosensing and encapsulation,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110, 39, 15549-15554, September 24, 2013.
- Gumennik, A.*, Wei, L.*, Lestoquoy, G.*, Stolyarov, A.M., Jia, X., Rekemeyer, P.H., Smith, M.J., Liang, X., Grena, B., Johnson, S. G., Gradečak, S., Abouraddy, A. F., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y. , “Silicon-in-silica spheres via axial thermal gradient in-fibre capillary instabilities,” Nature Communications, Vol 4, number:2216, DOI:doi:10.1038/ncomms3216, July 2013. *equal contribution
- Straus, D., Moftakhar, R., Fink, Y., Patel, D., Byrne, R.W., “Application of Novel CO2 Laser-Suction Device,” Journal of Neurological Surgurey B Skull Base. 2013 Dec;74(6):358-63. DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1347373. Epub May 29 2013.
- Lestoquoy, G., Chocat, N., Wang, Z., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Fabrication and Characterization of Thermally Drawn Fiber Capacitors” Applied Physics Letters, Vol 102, 152908 , April 2013.
- Hou, C., Jia, X., Wei, L., Stolyarov, A.M., Shapira, O., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Direct Atomic-Level Observation and Chemical Analysis of ZnSe synthesized by in situ high-throughput reactive fiber drawing,” Nano Letters, Vol. 13, No. 3, 975-979, March 13, 2013.
- Shemuly, D., Ruff, Z. R., Stolyarov, A. M., Spektor, G., Johnson, S. G., Fink, Y., Shapira, O., “Asymmetric wave propagation in planar chiral fibers,” Optics Express, 21, 2, 1465-1472, January 2013.
- Gumennik, A.*, Stolyarov, A.M.*, Schell, B.R.*, Hou, C., Lestoquoy, G., Sorin, F., McDaniel, W., Rose, A., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “All-in-fiber chemical sensing,” Advanced Materials, DOI:10.1002/adma.201203053, published online October 2012. *equal contribution
- Chocat, N., Lestoquoy, G., Wang, Z., Rodgers, D.M., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Piezoelectric Fibers for Conformal Acoustics,” Advanced Materials 24, No. 39, 5327-5332, October 2012.
- Kaufman, J.J., Tao, G., Shabahang, S., Banaei, E., Deng, D.S., Liang, X., Johnson, S.G., Fink, Y., Abouraddy, A. F., “Structured spheres generated by an in-fibre fluid instability,” Nature, 487, 463-467, July 2012.
- Stolyarov, A.M., Wei, L., Sorin, F., Lestoquoy, G., Joannopoulos, J.D., and Fink, Y., “Fabrication and characterization of fibers with built-in liquid crystal channels and electrodes for transverse incident-light modulation,” Applied Physics Letters, 101, No. 1, 011108, July 2012.
- Stolyarov, A.M.*, Gumennik, A.*, McDaniel, W., Shapira, O., Schell, B., Sorin, F., Kuriki, K., Benoit, G., Rose, A., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Enhanced chemiluminescent detection scheme for trace vapor sensing in pneumatically-tuned hollow core photonic bandgap fibers,” Optics Express, 20, 11, 12407-12415, May 2012. *equal contribution
- Shemuly, D., Stolyarov, A.M., Ruff, Z.M., Wei, L., Fink, Y., Shapira, O., “Preparation and transmission of low-loss azimuthally polarized pure single mode in multimode photonic band gap fibers,” Optics Express, 20, No. 6, 6029-6035, March 2012.
- Stolyarov, A.M., Wei, L., Shapira, O., Sorin, F., Chua S.L., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Microfluidic directional emission control of an azimuthally polarized radial fibre laser,” Nature Photonics, 6, 229-233, April 2012.
- Rowland, K.J., Afshar, V.S., Stolyarov, A., Fink, Y., Monro, T.M., “Bragg waveguides with low-index liquid cores,” Optics Express, 20, 1 48-62, January 2012
- Kaufman, J.J., Tao, G.M., Shabahang, S., Deng, DSS., Fink, Y., Abouraddy, A.F., “Thermal Drawing of High-Density Macroscopic Arrays of Well-Ordered Sub-5-nm-Diameter Nanowires,” Nano Letters 11, 11, 4768-4773 November 2011.
- Deng, D.S, Nave, J.C., Liang, X., Johnson, S.G., Fink, Y., “Exploration of in-fiber nanostructures from capillary instability,” Optics Express, 19, 17, 16273-290, August 2011.
- Seco, J., Depauw, N., Danto, S., Paganeti, H., Fink, Y., “Qualitative Evaluation of Proton Radiography for Viewing Density Differences in Lung Tumors: a Monte Carlo Study,” Nuclear Technology, 175, 1, 27-31, July 2011.
- Depauw, N., Danto, S., Bednarz, B., Paganetti, H., Fink, Y., Seco, J., “Preliminary Study of Proton Radiography Imaging Qualities using Geant4 Monte Carlo Simulations,” Nuclear Technology, 175, 1, 6-10, July 2011.
- Orf, N.D., Shapira, O., Sorin, F., Danto, S., Baldo, M.A., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Fiber draw synthesis,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108, 12, 4743-47, March 22, 2011.
- Danto, S., Ruff, Z., Wang, Z., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Ovonic Memory Switching in Multimaterial Fibers,” Advanced Functional Materials, 21, No. 6, 1095-1101, March 22, 2011.
- Sorin, F., Lestoquoy, G., Danto, S., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Resolving optical illumination distributions along an axially symmetric photodetecting fiber,” Optics Express, 18, No. 23, 24264-275, November 8, 2010.
- Danto, S., Sorin, F., Orf, N.D., Weng, Z., Speakman, S.A., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Fiber field-effect device via in-situ channel crystallization,” Advanced Materials, 22, No. 37, 4162+, October 1, 2010.**
- Egusa, S., Wang, Z., Chocat, N., et al., “Multimaterial Piezoelectric Fibres,” Nature Materials 9, No. 8, 643-348, August 2010. **
- Ruff, Z., Shemuly, D., Peng, X.A., et al. “Polymer-Composite Fibers for Transmitting High Peak-Power Pulses at 1.55 Microns,” Optics Express 18, No. 15, 15697-703, July 2010.**
- Shapira, O., Abouraddy, A.F., Hu, Q.C., et al., “Enabling Coherent Superpositions of Isofrequency Optical States in Multimode Fibers,” Optics Express 18, No. 12, 12622-29, June 2010.**
- Ryan, R.W., Wolf, T., Spetzler, R.F., Coons, S.W., Fink, Y., Preul, M.C., “Application of a flexible CO2 laser fiber for neurosurgery: laser-tissue interactions Laboratory investigation,” Journal of Neurosurgery 112, No. 2, 434-443, February 2010.
- Deng, D.S., Orf, N.D., Danto, S., Abouraddy, A.F., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Processing and Properties of Centimeter-long, In-fiber, Crystalline-Selenium Filaments,” Applied Physics Letters 96, No. 2, 023102, January 2010.**
- Sorin, F., Shapira, O., Abouraddy, A.F., Spencer, M., Orf, N.D., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y. “Exploiting Collective Effects of Multiple Optoelectronic Devices Integrated in a Single Fiber,” Nano Letters 9, No. 7, 2630-2635, July 2009.**
- Orf, N. D., Baikie, I. D., Shapira, O., Fink, Y., “Work Function Engineering in Metal Alloys,” Applied Physics Letters 94, No.11, 113504, March 2009.**
- Deng, D.S., Orf , N.D., Abouraddy, A.F., Stolyarov, A.M., Joannopoulos, J. D. . Stone, H. A., Fink, Y., “In-Fiber Semiconductor Filament Arrays,” Nano Letters 8, No.12, 4265-4269, December 2008.**
- Rakich, P., Fink, Y., Soljacic, M., “Efficient mid-IR spectral generation via spontaneous 5th order cascaded-Raman amplification in silica fibers,” Optics Letters 33, No. 15, 1690-1692 , August 2008.
- Feller-Kopman D., Lukanich J.M., Shapira G., Kolodny U. Schori B., Edenfield H., Temelkuran B., Ernst A., Schindel Y., Fink Y., Fox J., Bueno R.,“Gas flow during Bronchoscopic ablation therapy causes gas emboli to the heart,” Chest 133 , No. 4 , 892-896, April 2008.
- Sorin, F., Abouraddy, A. F., Orf, N., Shapira, O., Viens, J., Arnold, J., Joannopoulos, J. D., Fink, Y. , “Multimaterial Photodetecting Fibers: a Geometric and Structural Study,” Advanced Materials 19, No. 22,, 3872-3877, November 2007.**
- Shapira, O., Stolyarov, A., Orf, N. D., Kuriki, K., Joannopoulos, J. D., Fink, Y., “ Towards Dynamic Surface Emitting Fiber Lasers,” Optics and Photonics News 18, No. 5, 26-31, May 2007.**
- Abouraddy, A. F., Bayindir, M., Benoit, G., Hart, S. D., Kuriki, K., Orf, N., Shapira, O., Sorin, F., Temelkuran, B., Fink, Y., “Towards Multimaterial Multifunctional Fibres that See, Hear, Sense and Communicate,” (invited review paper) Nature Materials 6, No. 5, 336-347, May 2007.**
- Bayindir, M., Abouraddy, A.F., Shapira, O., Viens, J., Saygin-Hinczewski, D., Sorin, F., Arnold, J., Joannopoulos, J., Fink, Y., “Kilometer-Long Ordered Nanophotonic Devices by Preform-to-Fiber Fabrication,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 12, No. 6, 1202-1213, Nov-Dec 2006 .**
- Abouraddy, A.F., Shapira, O., Bayindir, M., Arnold, J., Sorin, F., Saygin-Hinczewski, D., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Large-Scale Optical-Field Measurements with Geometric Fibre Constructs,” Nature Materials 5, No. 7, 532-536, July 2006.**
- Holsinger, F.C., Prichard, C.N., Shapira, G., Weisberg, O., Torres, D.S., Anastassiou, C., Harel, E., Fink, Y., Weber, R.S., “Use of the Photonic Band Gap Fiber Assembly CO2 Laser System in Head and Neck Surgical Oncology,” Laryngoscope 116, No. 7, 1288-1290, July 2006.
- Shapira, O., Kuriki, K., Orf, N.D., Abouraddy, A.F., Benoit, G., Viens, J.F., Rodriguez, A., Ibanescu, M., Joannopoulos , J. D., Fink, Y., Brewster, M.M., “Surface-Emitting Fiber Lasers,” Optics Express, 14, No. 9, 3929-3935, May 1, 2006.**
- Bayindir, M., Abouraddy, A.E., Arnold, J., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Thermal-Sensing Fiber Devices by Multimaterial Codrawing,” Advanced Materials 18, No. 7, 845-849, April 2006.**
- Bermel, P., Lidorikis, E., Fink, Y., Joannopoulos, J.D., “Active Materials Embedded in Photonic Crystals and Coupled to Electromagnetic Radiation,” Physical Review B 73, 165125, April 2006.
- Bayindir, M., Shapira, O., Saygin-Hinczewski, D., Viens, J., Abouraddy, A.F., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Integrated Fibers for Self Monitored Optical Transport,” Nature Materials 4, No. 11, 820-824, October 2005.**
- Benoit, G., Kuriki, K., Viens, J.F., “Dynamic All-Optical Tuning of Transverse Resonant Cavity Modes in Photonic Bandgap Fibers,” Optics Letters 30, 1620-1622, July 2005.**
- Moazzami, K., Phillips, J., Lee, D., Krishnamurthy, S., Benoit, G., Fink, Y., Tiwald, T., “Detailed Study of Above Bandgap Optical Absorption In HgCdTe,” Journal of Electronic Materials 34, 773-778, June 2005.**
- Abouraddy, A.F., Shapira, O., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Complete Modal Decomposition for Optical Waveguides,” Physical Review Letters 94, Art. No. 143902, April 2005.
- Ibanescu, M., Johnson, S.G., Roundy, D., Fink, Y., Joannopoulos, J.D., “Microcavity Confinement Based on Anomalous Waveguide Mode,” Optics Letters 30, 552-554, March 2005.
- Bayindir, M., Abouraddy, A.F., Sorin, F., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., ”Fiber Photodetectors Codrawn from Conducting, Semiconducting and Insulating Materials,” OPN, Optics in 2004, 15, 12, 24, December 2004.**
- Bayindir, M., Sorin, F., Abouraddy, A.F., Viens, J.F., Hart, S.D., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Optoelectronic Fibres,” Nature 431, 826-829, October 2004.**
- Soljacic, M., Lidorikis, E., Ibanescu, M., Fink, Y., Joannopoulos, J.D, Fink, Y. “Optical Bistability and Cutoff Solitons in Photonic Bandgap Fibers,” Optics Express 12, No. 8, 1518-1527, April 2004.
- Kuriki, K., Shapira, O., Hart, S., Benoit, G., Kuriki, Y., Viens, J.F., Bayindir, M., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y. “Hollow Multilayer Fibers for NIR Applications,” Optics Express 12, No. 8, 1510-1517, April 2004.**
- Lidorikis, E., Soljacic, M., Ibanescu, M., Fink, Y., Joannopoulos, J.D., “Cutoff Solitons in Axially Uniform Systems,” Optics Letters 29, No. 8, 851-853, April 2004.
- Ibanescu, M., Johnson, S.G., Roundy, D., Fink, Y., Joannopoulos, J.D., “Anomalous Dispersion Relations by Symmetry Breaking in Axially Uniform Waveguides,” Physical Review Letters 92, No. 6, 063903, February 2004.
- Bermel, P., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y. “Properties of Radiating Pointlike Sources in Cylindrical Omnidirectionally Reflecting Waveguides,” Physical Review B. 69, No. 3, 035316, January 2004.
- Benoit, G., Hart, S., Temelkuran, B., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Static and Dynamic Properties of Optical Cavities in Photonic Bandgap Yarns,” Advanced Materials 15, No. 24, 2053-2056, December 2003.**
- Skorobogatiy M.A., Anastassiou C., Johnson S.G., Weisberg O., Engeness T. D., Jacobs S.A., Ahmad R.U., Fink Y, “Quantitative Characterization of Higher-Order Mode Converters in Weakly Multimoded Fibers,” Optics Express 11, No. 22, 2838-2847, November 2003.
- Engeness, T.D., Ibanescu, M., Johnson, S.G., Weisberg, O., Skorobogatiy, M.A., Jacobs, S., Soljacic, M., Fink, Y., “Dispersion Tailoring and Compensation by Modal Interactions in Omniguide Fibers,” Optics Express, 11, No. 10, 1175-1198, May 2003.
- Soljacic, M., Ibanescu, M., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Optical Bistability in Axially Modulated Omniguide Fibers,” Optics Letters 28, No. 7, 516-518, April 2003.
- Skorobogatiy, M.A., Johnson, S.G., Fink, Y., “Dielectric Profile Variations in High-Index-Contrast Waveguides, Coupled Mode Theory, and Perturbation Expansions,” Physical Review E. 67, No. 4, April 2003.
- Ibanescu, M., Johnson, S.G., Skorobogatiy, M.A., Weisberg, O., Engeness, T., Soljacic, M., Jacobs, S.A., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Analysis of Mode Structure in Hollow Dielectric Waveguide Fibers,” Physical Review E. 67, No. 4, April 2003.**
- Temelkuran, B., Hart, S.D., Benoit, G., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Wavelength Scalable Optical Fibers for CO2 Laser Transmission,” Nature 420, 650-653, December 2002.**
- Skorobogatiy, M.A., Ibanescu, M., Johnson, S.G., Weisberg, O., Engeness, T.D., Soljacic, M., Jacobs, S.A., Fink, Y., “Analysis of General Geometric Scaling Perturbations in a Transmitting Waveguide: Fundamental Connection Between Polarization-Mode Dispersion and Group-Velocity Dispersion,” Journal of The Optical Society of America B 19, 2867-2875, December 2002.
- Soljacic, M., Ibanescu, M., Johnson, S.G., Fink, Y., Joannopoulos, J.D., “Optimal Bistable Switching in Nonlinear Photonic Crystals,” Physical Review E. 66, No. 5, November 2002.
- Skorobogatiy, M.A., Jacobs, S.A., Johnson, S.G., Fink, Y., “Geometric Variations in High Index-Contrast Waveguides, Coupled Mode Theory in Curvilinear Coordinates,” Optics Express 10, No. 21, 1227-1243, October 2002.
- Johnson, S.G., Ibanescu, M., Skorobogatiy, M.A., Weisberg, O., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Perturbation Theory for Maxwell’s Equations with Shifting Material Boundaries,” Physical Review E. 65, June 2002.
- Hart, S.D., Maskaly, G.R., Temelkuran, B., Prideaux, P., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “External Reflection from Omnidirectional Dielectric Mirror Fibers,” Science 296, 510-513, April 2002.**
- Johnson, S., Ibanescu, M., Skorobogatiy, M.A., Weisberg, O., Engeness, T., Soljacic, M., Jacobs, S.A., Joannopoulos, J. D., Fink, Y., “Low Loss Asymptotically Single Mode Propagation in Large-Core Omniguide Fibers,” Optics Express 9, 749-779, December 2001.
- Temelkuran, B., Thomas, E.L., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., “Low-Loss IR Dielectric Material System for Broadband Dual Range Omnidirectional Reflectivity,” Optics Letters 26, 1370-1372, September 2001.
- Deopura, M., Ullal, C., Temelkuran, B. Fink, Y., “Dielectric Omnidirectional Visible Reflector,” Optics Letters 26, 1197-1199, August 2001.**
- Edrington, A.C., Urbas, A.M., DeRege, P., Chen, C.X., Swager, T.M., Hadjichristidis, N., Xenidou, M., Fetters, L.J., Joannopoulos, J.D., Fink, Y., Thomas, E.L., “Polymer Based Photonic Crystals,” Advanced Materials 13, 421-425, March 2001.
- Ibanescu, M., Fink, Y., Fan, S., Thomas, E.L., Joannopoulos, J.D., “An All-Dielectric Coaxial Waveguide,” Science 289, 415-419, July 2000.**
- Urbas, A., Sharp, R., Fink, Y., Thomas, E., Xenidou, M., Fetters, L., “Tunable Block Copolymer/Homopolymer Photonic Crystals,” Journal of Advanced Materials 12, 812-814, June 2000.
- Fink, Y., Ripin, D. J., Fan, S., Chen, C., Joannopoulos, J.D., Thomas, E.L., “Guiding Optical Light in Air Using an All Dielectric Structure,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 17, 2039-2041, November 1999.
- Fink, Y., Urbas, A., Bawendi, M.G., Joannopoulos, J.D., Thomas, E.L., “Block Copolymers as Photonic Band Gap Materials,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 17, 1963-1969, November 1999.
- Urbas, A., Fink, Y., Thomas, E.L., “One Dimensionally Periodic Dielectric Reflectors from Self Assembled Block Copolymer-Homopolymer Blends,” Macromolecules 32, 4748-4750, July 1999.
- Fink, Y., Winn J.N., Fan, S., Michel, J., Chen, C., Joannopoulos, J.D., Thomas, E.L., “A Dielectric Omnidirectional Reflector,” Science 282, 1679-1682, November 1998.
- Winn J.N., Fink, Y., Fan, S., Joannopoulos, J.D., “Omnidirectional Reflection from a One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal,” Optics Letters 23, 1573-1575, October 1998.
- Fink, Y., Chen, C., Marable, W.P., “Halo Formation and Chaos in Root-Mean-Square Matched Beams Propagating Through a Periodic Solenoidal Focusing Channel,” Physical Review E. 55, 7557-7564, June 1997.